
Ahmed Bukhamseen

Job Title
Quant data & analytics
Ahmed Bukhamseen is a highly accomplished professional with a solid academic foundation in Actuarial Sciences & Financial Mathematics. He excelled as an actuarial analyst at Lux Actuaries & Consultants, developing risk models for medical and motor insurance. Co-founding Quant, Ahmed now directs the company's strategic vision while delivering impactful results through cutting-edge products like Suhail and Fruits360, targeting the Real Estate and Retail industries respectively. Committed to social causes, he actively supports the Saudi Data Community, leveraging his expertise in data science and business intelligence to create nurturing ecosystems for local professionals. Ahmed's exceptional background, entrepreneurial spirit, and dedication to innovation make him a respected figure in actuarial sciences, data science, and business intelligence.


13:40 / 14:40
Grand Ballroom

Space Applications

Developing Next-gen Geospatial Solutions in the Gulf Region

The Middle East strongly needs geospatial solutions in various sectors such as defense & security, urban planning, agriculture, and environmental monitoring. Thanks to a growing service provider ecosystem in the region, this panel will discuss how leading analytics and solutions providers see the specific needs in the region and how they address them.