
Bruno Dupas

Job Title
Bruno Dupas is President of Kratos Communications in France. He has been with the company for 24 years and in the aerospace industry for more than 35 years. He has very extended experience in providing global ground solutions for all types of satellites for satellite operators, satellite frequency regulators, armed forces and intelligence agencies. He started at Thales and Airbus in System Engineering and became an entrepreneur in 1999 when he started what is now the international business of Kratos Space. Starting in France, he added Kratos groups in the UK, Singapore, Japan and Sultanate of Oman. His group of more 150 engineers has a global presence outside the Americas.Bruno graduated from ECOLE DES MINES in France in 1985. He has 5 children and one grandchild. He is fan of scuba diving and rugby.


16:25 / 17:10
Grand Ballroom

Space Policy and Industry

Ground Segment at the Heart of a Changing Ecosystem

From gateway stations to end-user terminals, the market is experiencing profound transformations driven by the digitalization of satellite networks and the deployment of satellite constellations. Key players will discuss these developments and how they can translate into new opportunities in the Middle East market.