
Saleh Al Anboori

Job Title
Director General of Exploration and Production of Oil & Gas
Ministry of Minerals and Energy
Skilled and dedicated professional, currently working for the Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEM), the government body in the Sultanate of Oman responsible for developing and implementing policy and regulation for exploiting the oil and gas resources in Oman, with over 30 years of experience and a wide range of expertise in oil and gas exploration and production business and activities with more than 20 companies spanning over more than 50 blocks. His objective is to continuously develop and utilize his technical and professional skills for the benefit of the organization and the industry. He is holder of B. Sc. on Geology, University of South Carolina South Carolina, USA, MSc and PhD on Petroleum Geology, University of Aberdeen Aberdeen, UK. Currently, working as Director General of Exploration and Production of Oil & Gas in MEM.


15:25 / 16:25
Grand Ballroom

Space Applications

Earth Observation Strategies for Sustainable Development in the Middle East

Governments in the Middle East face sustainability challenges that are unique and thus require dedicated investment and socio-economic development strategies. Space assets are increasingly part of these strategies that are implemented by the government agencies in charge of environment, climate change, natural resources.