
Simon Seminari

Job Title
Principal Advisor
Simon leads the analysis of government space policies and programs, with a focus on space program management, public policy assessment, and socio-economic impact assessments. Simon has overall responsibility for Euroconsult’s consulting missions for government and institutional clients. He has conducted market studies, new emerging technology analysis, space policy assessments and other studies for clients including the European Commission, the European Space Agency, and national space agencies such as the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the United Kingdom Space Agency (UKSA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).Simon is Chief Editor for Government Space Programs 2020, an analysis of global space activities and space expenditures of over 85 countries. He also contributes to Market Prospects for Satellite-based Earth Observation, Market Prospects for Small Satellites, and other research reports. Simon has moderated panels at Euroconsult’s World Satellite Business Week and participated in other conferences, most recently in the Brazilian Space Agency’s Space Industry event. Simon holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from McGill University, and an Advanced Master’s Degree in EU International Relations from the College of Europe in comparative space policy analysis.


12:20 / 13:00
Grand Ballroom

Space Policy and Industry

A Snapshot of the Oman Space Ecosystem: Collaboration & Investment Opportunities

As the Sultanate of Oman sets the foundation for the development of a national space ecosystem, key players talk about prospects for space business in the country and growth strategies.

    15:25 / 16:25
    Grand Ballroom

    Space Applications

    Earth Observation Strategies for Sustainable Development in the Middle East

    Governments in the Middle East face sustainability challenges that are unique and thus require dedicated investment and socio-economic development strategies. Space assets are increasingly part of these strategies that are implemented by the government agencies in charge of environment, climate change, natural resources.

      11:25 / 11:35
      Grand Ballroom

      Space Policy and Industry

      In Discussion with - Space Inspiring Nations

        11:10 / 11:35
        Grand Ballroom

        Space Applications

        International Government Partnerships

        International space agencies will discuss their partnerships with Middle East countries, their priorities and their lessons learned.