
Steve Bochinger

Job Title
Affiliate Executive Advisor
In over 20 years working in the space sector, Steve has advised a wide range of clients including commercial and government actors along the space value chain. As COO, he leads the corporate organizational processes and development. He developed and managed Euroconsult’s North American offices in Canada and the US from 2008 to 2015. Since joining Euroconsult in 2001, Steve has managed and supervised consulting missions for government organizations and industrial companies worldwide seeking support for their strategy in space and satellite applications. Assignments under his leadership include market studies, feasibility studies, business strategy, policy analyses, impact assessment, program financing etc. He has a Master of Law from McGill University’s Institute of Air & Space Law in Montreal, and a Master’s degree in International Law from La Sorbonne in Paris. His work has appeared in over 50 publications and he has been a featured speaker at space and satellite industry conferences around the world.


10:40 / 10:49
Grand Ballroom

Space Policy and Industry

Beyond the Stars, The Middle East's Space Ecosystem on the Move

Euroconsult unveils its White Paper on the current state and future prospects for the rising space sector in the Middle East.

    11:35 / 12:20
    Grand Ballroom

    Space Policy and Industry

    Evolving Models and Strategies for Space Agencies in Middle East

    With the emergence of new ambitions and national strategies for space in Middle Eastern countries, the region is experiencing unprecedented dynamism. A panel made up of representatives from various space agencies in the region will discuss the different directions taken.

      15:30 / 15:45
      Grand Ballroom

      Space Policy and Industry

      Opportunities for Spaceport Development : Discussing the Oman case

      A recent partnership to establish a business case for a spaceport in the region will be presented sharing opportunities and challenges they see for their project.

        11:00 / 11:45
        Grand Ballroom

        Space Enablers

        Growing Middle East Ecosystem

        The development of a national space sector is a major objective of the space strategies formulated by Middle Eastern countries. This is a complex, long-term undertaking, involving multiple levers of action and players. This panel will bring together various players involved in these strategies to discuss their feedback and needs.